
For assistance with any respect of the OWCP Connect system, please click here for our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

Didn't find your answer in our FAQs? Please email for further assistance with navigating CQS through OWCP Connect.

Click here to open the OWCP Connect User Guide.

Account Registration

The account registration process consists of the following steps:

  1. Enter the answer to the security question you selected when you created your account, OR
  2. Click the link provided to receive an email containing a verification code that you can enter here
  3. Create a password
  4. Select a Security Image and Key Phrase
  5. Select three Security Questions, and provide your answers

Once you have submitted all of this information, the OWCP Connect system will automatically send you an email that includes a link which will activate your new account. When your account has been activated, you can return to the Login screen and log in normally.

Reset Password

In order to reset your password, you will need to provide two sets of information:

  • The email address associated with your OWCP Connect account
  • The response to the Security Questions that you chose when creating your account

Once you have provided this information, the OWCP Connect system will automatically send you an email that includes a link to a page which will allow you to enter a new password. When your new password is submitted and accepted, you can return to the Login screen and log in normally.

About OWCP Connect

OWCP Connect allows users to prove their identity and create an account for communication with OWCP's various self-service applications. It is a centralized identity-proofing system used to create credentials for a user, and then to authenticate the credentials for login.

Identity proofing is accomplished by validating the user's information entered in the Account Registration process against secure Credit Bureau data. Once the user's identity has been verified, their account can be created.